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    January 15, 2024

How Magento Experts Can Optimize Your Website for Improved Performance?

With competition getting brutal, one needs to always focus on their online store’s performance to get an edge. A lagging website leads to poor user experience and loss of sales. So, it is important that you get the store evaluated to find the loophole and have it running in an optimal condition. If you are thinking about how you can have a fully well-optimized store, then here are key ways Magento experts help optimize performance.

Database Optimization and Management

Magento databases tend to get bloated over time, impacting load speeds. Experts analyze the tables, prune junk data using cleaning tools and implement regular database management practices.

They ensure indexes are optimized, normalize data structure and optimize queries/routines to reduce server resource usage and response times. Advanced caching plugins further enhance database performance.

Code Optimization

Magento stores accumulate non-optimized code from theme and extension installations. Experts audit codebases, remove deprecated/unused code and plugins, streamline architecture and implement compression.

They leverage tools like Redis, Varnish and Cloudflare to cache dynamic pages, lazy-load content, minify files and improve frontend performance. White-label extensions remove third-party tracking codes that slow sites down.

Full-Stack Optimization

Magento experts perform full-stack optimization from server level to browsers. They tune server software, enable opcode cache, implement HTTP/2, leverage a fast CDN, optimize images/pages load, remove render-blocking resources and ensure cross-browser compatibility.

With deep insights into how Magento code, server software and browsers interact, they address performance issues at every layer for maximum impact.

Theme Optimization

Storefront optimization calls for expertise in full-page caching, browser caching, image/asset compression, adaptive image loading and lazy loading.

Experts identify bloated core/child theme files, lazy load non-critical sections and optimize resource loading through techniques like prioritizing visible content. CRO best practices are adhered to for converting more users into buyers.

Security Optimization

Optimizing a store’s speed requires securing it from malware, slowing things down. Regular security audits address vulnerabilities and reduce page load bloat from unnecessary/unwanted scripts.

Magento experts focus on keeping websites running smoothly under heavy traffic. They employ CDN services, web server monitoring, real user monitoring and web performance tools to optimize even the most complex Magento stores for better performance.

Site Speed Auditing and Monitoring

Post optimization, experts help gauge success through continuous auditing, monitoring and optimization strategy refinements. Speed testing tools and Google PageSpeed Insights are leveraged for performance analysis to identify further improvements.

Leveraging Magento performance experts brings domain expertise into optimizing stores holistically for faster response times, reduced bandwidth usage and increased revenue. Their techniques consistently boost speed by multiples, leading to enhanced user experience.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you are clear about the steps taken by the professional Magento developers to enhance the performance and fully optimize the website. All you need is the assistance of the right developers, and if you are looking for one, then we have a recommendation for you. SeedCart has been highly acclaimed in the business for providing top-quality Magento development services. Get connected and feel the difference. Good luck!