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    June 12, 2023

How to Create Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns without Google Merchant Center?

Dynamic remarketing campaigns are a powerful ecommerce marketing solution tool for businesses to engage with their website visitors and increase conversions. These campaigns allow you to show personalized ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or mobile app. While Google Merchant Center (GMC) is commonly used for setting up dynamic remarketing campaigns, there are alternative methods available for those who do not have access to GMC. In this article, we will explore how to create dynamic remarketing campaigns without using Google Merchant Center.

  1. Install Remarketing Tags: To get started with dynamic remarketing, you need to install remarketing tags on your website or mobile app. Remarketing tags are snippets of code that collect data about your website visitors and track their interactions. Google Ads provides a remarketing tag that is an e-commerce marketing solution you can place on your website or use with a tag management tool. This tag will gather information about the products or services that users have viewed, allowing you to create personalized ads later.
  1. Set Up Custom Parameters: Custom parameters are essential for dynamic remarketing as they allow you to capture specific information about the products or services users have interacted with on your website. Without GMC, you can manually define custom parameters to track the necessary information, such as product IDs, prices, categories, or any other relevant details. By associating this information with your remarketing tags, you can create highly personalized ads for each user based on their previous interactions.
  1. Create Remarketing Lists: After installing the remarketing tags and setting up custom parameters, you can create remarketing lists to group users based on their behavior on your website. For example, you can create a list of users who have added items to their shopping cart but did not complete the purchase. Another list could include users who have viewed specific product categories. By segmenting your audience, you can tailor your dynamic remarketing campaigns to target specific groups of users with relevant ads.
  1. Design Dynamic Ad Templates: Dynamic ads are the heart of a dynamic remarketing campaign. These ads dynamically display products or services based on the user’s previous interactions. Without GMC, you can manually create ad templates that include placeholders for the custom parameters you defined earlier. For instance, you can design a template that showcases the product image, title, price, and a call-to-action button. When your ads are served, the placeholders will be automatically filled with the appropriate information from your remarketing lists. It is one of the best ecommerce marketing solution
  1. Set Up Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns: With the remarketing lists and dynamic ad templates in place, it’s time to create your dynamic remarketing campaigns. In the Google Ads interface, you can set up a Display Network campaign and select the option to show dynamic ads. Within the campaign settings, choose the remarketing lists you created earlier to target specific audiences. Google Ads will use custom parameters and remarketing lists to deliver personalized ads to your website visitors.


While Google Merchant Center is commonly used for setting up dynamic remarketing campaigns, businesses without access to GMC can still leverage the power of dynamic remarketing using alternative methods. By implementing ecommerce marketing services like installing remarketing tags, setting up custom parameters, creating remarketing lists, designing dynamic ad templates, and setting up campaigns in Google Ads, you can reach your website visitors with personalized and engaging ads. Remember to monitor your campaigns closely and optimize them for better performance. Ecommerce marketing solution is an effective strategy for boosting conversions and engaging with your target audience.