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    June 9, 2023

Introduction to building shopify app for B2B Merchants

B2C transactions and interactions take place in the eCommerce and digital world. Similarly, B2B(business-to-business) interactions are also shifting toward the digital world. According to a report by Gartner estimates, more than 80% of B2B businesses will shift to digital interactions. So, building a Shopify app for B2B is not a surprising factor. Similar to the B2C model, the B2B model needs their platforms for seamless business interactions. To make this easy, Shopify allows users to create B2B platforms for interactions. Shopify experts can create B2B Shopify apps with different APIs provided by Shopify. 

Here is the list of APIs that you can use for B2B Shopify apps: 

Company API

Company APIs are highly critical in the B2B business model for Shopify apps. Businesses deal with other companies in B2B, so communication and information flow is different compared to B2C. They have to deal with multiple locations, pre-negotiated payments, contacts, and more. With Company APIs, Shopify experts can set primitives like CompanyLocations, CompanyContacts, Company, etc. Developers can extend different meta fields to incorporate information. 

PriceList API

Shopify developers can enlist product prices where businesses can purchase from different businesses. Unlike B2C, B2B price lists and shopping carts look different, there are huge quantities and heavy transactions. So, specialized price list API is important, the API can help adjust prices, or make fixed prices for products depending on the business. In addition, Shopify also gives a feature to developers where they can create a price list that shows different prices to different B2B customers. 

Payment order API 

Payments in B2B transactions and orders are different compared to B2C, there are different methods and payment times. Shopify apps will allow developers to set different time lengths for which the company has to make payments for a set order. In addition, Shopify developers can add conditions of set location, businesses, order information, etc. B2B businesses have their own methods and approach to payments. Payment order API gives flexibility to users to alter payment approaches as per business requirements. 

Catalogs API 

Shopify allows catalogs API with different sets of rules so B2B can cater to the demands of their customers. Different customers will have different demands with high-volume product requirements in B2B. So, depending on their customers, a Shopify development company can adjust the catalog in Shopify apps. For instance, if a business sells products in India and America, they have to set different parameters in catalogs for both countries’ customers to cater to regional demand. Catalog API gives flexibility to Shopify experts to create different buying experiences for better personalization. So, businesses can provide unique wholesale orders and workflow for B2B. 


These are some of the important APIs that Shopify offers for B2B Shopify apps. Shopify development company can now create unique Shopify apps for B2B Merchants using these features to cater to their needs and methods. B2B is completely different from B2C, so their apps need different features to cater to their audience.